During this uncertain time Pyramid Press are trying hard to support its
customers in a safe and responsible way.
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During this uncertain time Pyramid Press are trying hard to support its
customers in a safe and responsible way.
Please get in touch if you need us…
Pyramid Press will take delivery of a Speedmaster XL 75-5+L in June. It has been specified with Inpress Control inline spectral measurement but it also has the ability to tap into the existing off press Image Control facility as needed.
The new press replaces a Speedmaster CD 74 and will give the company a significant lift in B2 capacity.
“With this press we expect higher productivity and, with that, the ability to meet the increasing pressures on turnround times. For our customers it means we can offer an even faster service, top print quality and value for money,” says Jonathan Smith, director of the Nottingham company.
Pyramid Press has specified five printing units and a coater. Although it had previously run a six-colour in B2 format a change in market demand means that the sixth unit is no longer cost justifiable. The company runs B1 to B3 Heidelberg equipment as well as offering a digital and NCR service.
“Heidelberg is a known entity. We know we are buying the best and customers know the Speedmaster reputation for quality. Buying a Speedmaster XL 75 is a solid investment,” says Mr Smith.
Operators have undertaken off site training at Heidelberg UK’s HQ in Brentford and will have further instruction at Pyramid Press at time of installation. The press will run two shifts a day to meet demand.
Pyramid is an environmentally aware company which runs primarily FSC® Chain of Custody papers and which works in collaboration with the World Land Trust to carbon balance papers if customers require it. The Speedmaster XL 75 is an energy efficient press.